Sunday, June 17, 2012

[ Day 3 | 17.6.12 | Photo a Day ]

While we were away in Wollongong we picked up hubby's new toy and birthday present, a new (well second hand) camper trailer.  We tend to go camping around twice a year but with this new addition, hopefully it will be a little more now.

I captured my son at the door as I just wanted to take a photo of something natural, not posed and this is  what I shot.

Just a quick update...

I am entering this pic on the Simple as That blog because what is more special than spending time with the family and at home, my son loves to be at home and it doesn't happen all that often as life can just get so busy at times.

[Day 2 | 16.6.12 | Photo a Day ]

Well I am posting both my second and third day photos tonight after a busy weekend.  We spent the night down at Wollongong with my hubby's work colleagues for a night out.

The weather was with rain and lots of cloud cover into the night.  My photo of the day was a bit of a self portrait as there was not much else to shoot.

Friday, June 15, 2012

[Day 1 - Photo a Day ]

Ok here goes, I am going to attempt to do a 'photo a day' project, I am going to start small, just a week to start with then if I am traveling ok, I will keep going with it.  It is a hopefully a way that I am going to get to know my camera better, I am determined to get manual right and from what I'm told a photo a day is a good way to help.

Today I took a close up shot of my daughter, I would have liked both her eyes more in focus but I am going to learn from what I have done wrong with each shot I see and can only remember for next time.

I currently only have the 50mm 1.4 lens.  I shot this in manual mode with settings f2.8, 1/200 and ISO 200