Sunday, August 29, 2010

{ Fix It Friday #68 }

I thought I would have another go at FIF.  What a beautiful photo this was...  Just a reminder that it is not my photo.  Here is the original

Edit 1 - I rotated the photo to 7 degrees to the left then cropped it.  All I did on this edit was altered the colour curves and then added a texture as a multiply mode and then lowered it opacity.

Edit 2 - as per edit 1 I rotated the photo to 7 degrees to the the left then cropped.  I used Nelly Nero Classic B&W action on this photo and unshaped mask.

Edit 3 - I rotated 4 degrees to the left and just used a colour layer of light pink over the top and lowered it opacity.

Edit 4 - rotated photo again by 7 degrees to the left then cropped down just above her hands so that only her legs were in the photo.  I used on this edit the PW Heartland action and lowered it opacity (love this action).

To see more edits, head on over to...

Saturday, August 28, 2010

{ My Little Boy turned 7.... }

Well he's not so little cheeky son turned 7 last week and wow time just goes too fast.

He got his DS that he wanted (after dropping his first one in the toilet, LOL) he got a few more bits and pieces but not too much as we are saving for Disneyland next year.  We can't wait its gonna be FUN.

We had a great night eating pizza with his aunty, uncle and cousins and then there was more fun to be had playing in the playzone centre at our local rugby club.

Wow our boy is growing tooooo fast  :-(  Sometimes I wish we could just bottle them so they stay young forever.  Here is a couple of pics from his birthday

Sunday, August 1, 2010

{ Fix It Friday #64}

My first ever 'Fix it Friday' on I heart faces.  A beautiful photo supplied, which I did two edits on.  Hope I'm not too late for it, but will enter anyway.  To view more gorgeous edits head on over to.....

My edits are....

No 1

I opened the SOOC into Lightroom that I have downloaded a trial of and basically upped the brightness, played a litte with the tone curve, pulled the reds down a little so she didn't look too pink and made the blues pop a little so that her eyes would be bright.  I also cropped very slightly to the side and bottom of the photo.

No 2

Edit to is exactly the same as edit 1 but I then opned up in PE7 and ran Nelly Neros action of Grunge B & W.  I just took off the added shapeness that it added so it would have a more natural look.